Our Environment
Only infant and toddler care is provided during our 8:00AM gathering. Our second and third gatherings will remain the same.
Dayspring Kids consists of age specific areas, each featuring their own teaching, worship, fun, snacks, and at-home family devotionals.
Each environment reflects the truth that every phase of a kids development is unique and important.
Considering a Visit?
If you are new to Dayspring Kids, we invite you to arrive and check in at 7:50, 9:20am, and 10:50AM (our first gathering provides only infant & toddler care). When you walk in, look to your left for the Dayspring Kids booth in the Lobby. Feel free to check your child in at one of the stations in front of the door. *Please note, check-in closes at 8:20am, 9:50am, 11:20pm (our third gathering will only provide infant & toddler care). At this time doors will be locked and we encourage you to bring your child into the service.
You can save quite a bit of time by completing your family registration form before you arrive. Just click the button below to begin!
You can save quite a bit of time by completing your family registration form before you arrive. Just click the button below to begin!
Upcoming KIDS Events
Parent Resources
Check out some amazing Kid's Resources from Study Bibles to Theology Books for kids!