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Sermon study guide for next-level growth.

Sermon Overview

The story of Lazarus challenges us to see beyond the finality of the grave. It reminds us that in Christ, death has lost its sting. The same power that called Lazarus from the tomb is at work in us, both now and for eternity.
For those who have never placed their faith in Jesus, His voice still calls today, inviting you to come out of spiritual death into abundant life. For believers struggling with the 'grave clothes' of the past, take heart. The resurrection power of Jesus is not just a future hope, but a present reality to help you overcome.

Sermon Series: 
John: The Explicit Gospel
The Resurrecting Power of Jesus
Key Passage:  John 11:28-44

Key Takeaways

  1. God's glory is displayed through the resurrecting power of Jesus Christ.
  2. Jesus' timing is always in accordance with the Father's will, even when it doesn't align with our expectations.
  3. Jesus empathizes with our emotions and dignifies our tears.
  4. The voice of Jesus has the power to call the dead to life, both physically and spiritually.
  5. Coming to faith is just the beginning; we must actively "take off the grave clothes" and put on our new life in Christ.

Discussion Questions

  1. What stood out to you most from the sermon? Why?
  2. The sermon mentions that "God's timing is always for our good and His glory." How have you experienced this in your own life? Share a time when God's timing seemed late but ultimately worked out for the best.
  3. How does Jesus' display of emotion (weeping, being deeply moved) impact your view of Him? How does it affect your approach to prayer and worship?
  4. Pastor Nick said, "We have a God who doesn't shame those who mourn, even when he knows, death is not the end." How can we better support and empathize with those who are grieving?
  5. Discuss the concept of being "alive but still bound by grave clothes." What are some "grave clothes" that Christians might struggle to remove after coming to faith?
  6. How does the story of Lazarus' resurrection foreshadow Jesus' own resurrection and our future resurrection? How should this impact our daily lives?

Practical Applications

  1. This week, practice being more open with your emotions before God in prayer, knowing that He empathizes with your struggles.
  2. Identify one "grave cloth" (old habit, sin, or mindset) that you need to remove. Share with the group and commit to praying for each other in this area.
  3. Reach out to someone who is grieving or going through a difficult time. Offer your presence and support without trying to "fix" their situation.
  4. Meditate on Ephesians 2:1-7 and Romans 6:1-11 this week. Journal about how these passages apply to your daily walk with Christ.

Closing Prayer

Thank God for His resurrecting power in our lives. Ask for help in removing any remaining "grave clothes" and living fully in the new life He's given us.