Growing Deeper

Sermon study guide for next-level growth.

Sermon Overview

Jesus is the long-awaited Shepherd of Israel prophesied in the Old Testament. He has come to call His sheep out of the fold of religion and the barren wasteland of the world into a relationship with Him. Unlike the hired hand that only looks out for himself, Jesus is the Good Shepherd that lays down His life for His sheep. People from every nation, tribe, and tongue are gathering to the Good Shepherd as one flock. 

Sermon Series: 
John: The Explicit Gospel
The Good Shepherd
Key Passage:  John 10:11-21

Questions for discussion:

  1. What stood out to you from the sermon/passage?
  2. What’s the difference between a good shepherd and a hired hand? 
  3. Who was considered the greatest shepherd-hero of the Old Testament and why? 
  4. In what ways does Jesus care for His sheep? 
  5. What are the theological implications of Jesus laying down his life for the sheep? 
  6. What is the difference between the fold and the flock in John 10:16? 
  7. What did Jesus mean He has authority to lay down His life and take it up again? (v.18)  
  8. Have you ever shared the Gospel with someone who responded in faith to Christ? 
  9. How do the words and actions of Jesus still bring division today? (v. 19-21) 
  10. What confidence do you have in being one of Jesus’ sheep?

Prayer Prompt:

  • Pray for discernment when it comes to hearing and following the voice of Jesus.
  • Pray for those who have not yet responded to the voice of Jesus (John 10:16). 
  • Pray that you would trust God for “good pasture” and abundant life by following Jesus.   

Scripture for further study:

 Psalm 23; 77:20; 79:13; 80:1; 95:7-8 | Isaiah  40:11; 43:1-2; 49:8-10; 53:4-10 | Ezekiel 34:1-24 | Matthew 1:21; 20:28; 25:31-34; Luke 19:10 | John 10:1-21; 17:18-21 | Rom 1:16  1 Peter 5:1-5 | Hebrews 13:20-21