Growing Deeper

Sermon study guide for next-level growth.

Sermon Overview

Jesus puts His creative and illuminating power on full display as the Light of the world by healing a blind man from birth. While the disciples wanted to engage in a theological discussion of what sin caused the man’s blindness, Jesus revealed the purpose of his disability; to glorify God. This story is an illustration of salvation. We were once blind beggars, crippled by sin, unable to see the light of Christ. He approached us by His sovereign grace and mercy and gave us eyes to see His glory.

Sermon Series: 
John: The Explicit Gospel
Eyes to See His Glory
Key Passage:  John 9:1-12

Questions for discussion:

  1. What stood out to you from the sermon/passage?
  2. What are ways people correlate suffering or blessing with legalism? (i.e.God will bless you if you do good, and he will curse you if you do bad)
  3. Why did the disciples think the man born blind was a direct result of someone’s sin? 
  4. What was God’s purpose for the blind man? (v. 3) 
  5. What does Jesus mean when referring to day and night in John 9:4-5?
  6. What might have been why Jesus used mud to heal the blind man? 
  7. What is the significance of Jesus telling the blind man to go and wash his eyes in the pool of Siloam? (v. 7) 
  8. How is faith and obedience involved in seeing the light of Christ? 
  9. Why didn’t people believe the “seeing man” was the same man who was once blind? 
  10. How does this passage point to the glory of God and the value of all human life?

Prayer Prompt:

  • Pray for eyes to see the glory of Christ in the world today.
  • Pray for God to use you in your weakness and disability (whether great or small). 
  • Pray for compassion to see people as Jesus did, especially those with disabilities.
  • Pray for a life-changing encounter for those who need to see and be seen by Jesus.

Scripture for further study:

Exodus 4:10-13 | Psalm 139:13-16 | Isaiah  42:6-7 | John 1:1-5, 3:16-36, 7:37-39, 8:12, 9:1-41, 20:30-31 | Romans 8:28 | 1 Cor. 1:27-31 | Ephesians 1:18 | Col. 1:16-18 | Hebrews 12:1-3 | Rev. 21:1-5