Core Values

These are what shape who we are and what we do.

Christ Centered.

Everything we are, everything we have, and everything we do is because of Him, and for His glory.

Spirit Empowered.

We desperately need the Holy Spirit's power to overcome fear and be effective at boldly fulfilling our mission. Our vision will not become reality without a special work of the Holy Spirit. 

Bible Based.

We embrace the Scriptures as being God-breathed and Spirit-inspired, and our final authority in all we believe and do.

Prayer Focused.

We believe that ongoing prayer and fasting prepares the way for a Holy Spirit empowered disciple making movement. In order for our vision to become a reality, it will be the result of a sovereign work of God in our midst; and prayer and fasting will be at the heart of it.

Relationally Driven.

We're convinced that discipleship happens best in relational environments. We embrace and practice Jesus' style of disciple-making, which was relational and life-on-life.

Extravagantly Generous.

The church grows and expands as we cheerfully give sacrificially of our time, talents, and treasure. We prioritize our resources to fulfill our mission and vision.

Multiplication Minded.

We are determined to make disciples to the 4th generation; to not only make disciples, but to make disciple makers. It is Jesus' method and the most effective way to build the church and impact the world.